Welcome to Techco Geophysical Services Ltd.
Developing seismic processing software
SUMMIG is a Kirchhoff time migration. It's features are:
- 2D or 3D data may be migrated.
- Handles poststack or prestack data.
- Optional anti-alias filtering.
- Optional migration from topography.
- Migration to select output locations.
- Can produce a stack or common offset gathers on output.
- Can perform multiple migrations at various percentages of the input
velocity field. Percentage stacks are output for velocity analysis.
- Capable of parallel execution, optionally using a network distribution
across multiple architectures.
- Can migrate from datum using 4'th order (curved ray) moveout. This
allows long offset shallow data to image better.
- Can migrate from datum using an anisotropic moveout correction.
- Can migrate to an arbitrary cdp grid, which allows for simplified
- Restart capabilities allow for protection against hardware failures
and power outages.
Techco has partnered with Acceleware to deliver AxSUMMIG, an accelerated version of SUMMIG. For more information and to view a demo of AxSUMMIG please visit Acceleware.
Last modified: Wed May 31 09:56:30 MDT 2017